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eSchool Media has just launched our Industry News & Opinion platform, a free platform to discuss some of the most pressing and exciting topics in technology & innovation. Dozens of your edtech industry peers have already contributed their thoughts to our new platform—just take a look below! I encourage you to learn more by visiting our new platform here as well as our 'Contribute' page here.

Happy reading & writing!

Meris Stansbury
Editorial Director, eSchool Media

After a rocky start, this is why institutions are finally leading the digital revolution
Kevin Boyce

By Kevin Boyce
Chief Operating Officer, Ellucian

Fifteen years ago, a myth began to circulate the education technology conversation. It contended that after decades spent leveraging software to enhance incredibly complex operations and experiences, higher education had become slow to adopt.

8 steps to effective K-12 assessments
Jami Morshed

By Dave Nelson, Ph.D
Senior Customer Success Manager, Performance Matters

Developing quality assessments can be challenging for a number of reasons. And, because assessments are essential in so many student-focused decisions, it’s important to get them right. Here are eight steps that teachers and curriculum directors can use to create high quality, effective assessments.

Roll up your sleeves! Why accessibility in higher ed needs all hands on-deck
Scott Evans

By Rick Johnson
VP Product Strategy, VitalSource

The accessibility of learning content is undergoing a dramatic change right now.

This change is being built upon existing standards that key parts of the industry are implementing, as well as new standards. All the changes that are happening are, for the first time, enabling the ability for institutions, instructors and learners to adopt and access accessible content, that is the exact same content, at the same time, on the same platforms as any other user.

How to make math a key part of your ELL curriculum
Kenneth Chapman

By Vinod Lobo
Founder and CEO, Learning Upgrade

Historically, English language learner (ELL) instruction has primarily focused on reading and writing. The reasons for this are twofold: 1) Reading and writing are the most obvious, immediate learning needs, and 2) federal and state reclassification requirements are focused on these subjects. Conventional thinking says that literacy must be the primary focus, and that when literacy scores rise, they will pull up math scores alongside them.

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