Industry News & Opinions

Professional development is one powerful tool that can alleviate some of the pressure and help reduce teacher burnout--PD is instrumental.

How to stave off teacher burnout with PD

Survey after survey confirms teachers feel stressed and burned out. Nearly 75 percent of teachers experience frequent job-related stress, compared to just a third of working adults. More than half of teachers have considered leaving the profession earlier than originally planned.
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Families want options for their children’s education--online learning lets traditional school systems expand choices and improve retention.

Online learning can help schools retain students

There were 1.3 million fewer students enrolled in U.S. public schools in fall 2021 than there were before the pandemic began--a drop of nearly 3 percent. Given that educational funding is tied to enrollment, this development has serious implications for the availability of resources
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Modernizing education resource planning should be a key priority—and a cloud-based ERP offers many benefits for K-12 administrators.

How a cloud-based ERP helps schools innovate and be nimble

As school districts emerge from the worst of COVID-19, they’re bringing with them new priorities. Many of the changes that districts have made during the pandemic, such as giving employees the flexibility to work remotely, will be carried forward. Other processes are being reevaluated
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