The K-12 Hero Awards Nomination Period

is Now Closed

Nomination Deadline September 15, 2023

To nominate your K-12 Hero, please complete the form below.

Each nomination requires a $500 nomination fee and includes:

  • All nominations are featured in the 2023 Hero Awards eBook with a linked nominating vendor logo. The eBook is hosted on eSchool News and promoted to our full K-12 audience.
  • All nominations will receive editorial exposure on eSchool News which includes a linked nominating vendor name.
  • Each of 3 Winners will be featured in a full-length eSchool News story including the linked nominating vendor name.
  • All nominations will receive a Finalist and/or Winner banner for the nominating vendor and school/district to display on their websites, in emails, print or social media.
  • Frequently asked questions

Nominations open: June 12-September 15, 2023

For questions, please contact:
Denise Crowe
Director of Client Services

Return to nomination form


Who is eligible for this award?
eSchool News is recognizing the country’s best examples of K-12 success using innovative technologies to deliver classroom, school and district success. The planning and execution of these projects required people from every field and multiple departments – IT, curriculum, instruction and administration – to come and work together to ensure success.

Can I nominate multiple people or organizations?
Yes, you may nominate as many people and organizations as you wish. Each nomination requires a $500 nomination fee.

What if I do not have everything I need right now to nominate someone?
That’s OK, submit all of the information that you have now.  Each nominating vendor will be contacted with a confirmation email and you can reply to that email to send us the completed nomination information.

What is the Early Bird Special?
All nominations completed by July 31, 2023 receive extra exposure in the Sneak Peek Spotlight story, publishing in August 2023.

How the will nominations be judged?
Nominations will be judged during September, 2023 by a panel of education experts including eSchool News Editorial Director, Laura Ascione.

When the will winners be announced?
Three winners will be announced in early October, 2023.

When is the last day to nominate?
The last day you may submit nominations is September 15, 2023.

Time is Running Out!

Get a FREE Chaperoned Email to 25,000 Education Titles
when you Book a Qualified Package by 3/31/25*

Contacts us now for details:

*Minimum purchase required

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